Course curriculum

  • 2

    1.1 Cardiology - Study Materials

    • Stable angina _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acute coronary syndromes _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Bradyarrhythmias _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Atrial fibrillation _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Cardiovascular disease risk modification_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Blood pressure reduction _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Heart failure_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • CDV Risk factors Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Pericarditis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Periprocedural management of patients with cardiovascular disease _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Sustained ventricular tachycardia _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acute chest pain of possible cardiac origin_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Anticoagulant therapy_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Antithrombotic therapy after endovascular and cardiac interventions_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Atrial ectopic beats_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Atrial flutter _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Classification of coronary ischaemic syndromes _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Introduction to peripheral arterial disease _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Introduction to secondary prevention of atherosclerotic _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Lipid modification_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Nonsustained ventricular tachycardia_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Principles of management of an acute tachyarrhythmia _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Pulmonary hypertension_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Torsades de pointes _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Urgent control of elevated blood pressure _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Venous thromboembolism prophylaxis Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Venous thromboembolism treatment _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Ventricular ectopic beats _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • PSVT eTG

    • Supraventricular Tachycardia - SVT _ Emergency Care Institute

  • 3

    1.2 Cardiology - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 1.2 a Cardiology Part 1 Lecture Recording (04/09/23)

    • 1.2 b Cardiology Part 1 Lecture Slides

    • 1.2 c Cardiology Part 2 Lecture Recording 25/09/23

    • 1.2 d Cardiology Lecture Part 2 Slides

    • 1.2 e Cardiology Part 3 Lecture Recording

    • 1.2 f Cardiology Part 3 Lecture Slides

    • 1.2 g ECG Session 17/09/23

    • 1.2 h ECG Session 17/09/23 Slides

  • 4

    2.1 Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) - Study Materials

    • Tinnitus

    • Emergency foreign body removal

    • Salivary gland swelling

    • Ototoxic drugs

    • Etiology of hearing loss in adults - UpToDate

    • Acute mastoiditis in children_ Treatment and prevention - UpToDate

    • Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM)

    • CSOM and Cholesteatoma

    • Epistaxis

    • Nasal Obstruction

    • Presbycusis - UpToDate

    • Salivary gland tumors_ Epidemiology, diagnosis, evaluation, and staging - UpToDate

    • NPS - Herpes Zoster Oticus

    • Acute Otitis Media RCH

    • Idiopathic facial nerve (Bell) palsy _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Treatment of herpes zoster in the immunocompetent host - UpToDate

  • 5

    2.2 Ear Nose and Throat (ENT) - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 2.2 a ENT Part 1 All Lecture Slides 1

    • 2.2 a ENT Part 1 All Lecture Slides 2

    • 2.2 b ENT Part 1 Lecture Recording (07/09/23)

    • 2.2 b ENT Part 1 Lecture Recording

    • 2.2 c ENT Part 2 Lecture Recording

    • 2.2 c ENT Part 2 Lecture Recording (29/09/23)

    • 2.2 d ENT Part 3 Video Lecture

    • 2.2 e ENT Hearing Loss Video Class

    • 2.2 e ENT Hearing Loss Video Class Lecture Slides

  • 6

    3.1 Respiratory Study Materials

    • CAP - eTG

    • Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis - eTG

    • Bronchiectasis RACGP

    • Bronchiectasis - eTG

    • Tuberculosis testing RACGP

    • Tuberculosis - eTG

    • Latent tuberculosis RACGP

    • Lung Abcess - eTG

    • Cystic fibrosis (CF) - Better Health Channel


    • ILD - eTG

    • Cystic Fibroosis - eTG

    • CAP score tools - eTG

    • CAP SA Health

    • CAP treatment - eTG

    • Cor Pulmonale NCBI Bookshelf

    • Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Influenza _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acute bronchitis ETG

    • Antibiotic management of bronchiectasis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Parapneumonic effusion and empyema_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Directed therapy for pneumonia_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hospital-acquired pneumonia_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Thoracic imaging _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Pulmonary Function Test_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Noninvasive ventilation _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acute oxygen therapy _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Obstructive sleep apnoea in adults_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Interstitial lung disease _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Malignant pleural mesothelioma _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Pleural effusion in adults _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Pneumothorax _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Pleuritic chest pain _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Cystic fibrosis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Cough in children _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Cough in adults _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Chronic rhinosinusitis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Allergic rhinitis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Aspirin-exacerbated respiratory disease _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acute asthma_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Maintenance management of asthma in children _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Asthma diagnosis- children 6 years and older, adolescents and adults_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Assessment of wheeze and asthma in children 5 years and younger_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Maintenance management of asthma in adults and adolescents 1

    • Maintenance management of asthma in adults and adolescents 2

    • Asbestos Australia

  • 7

    3.2 Respiratory - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 3.2 a Respiratory Lecture part 1 Slides

    • 3.2 b Respiratory Part 1 Lecture Recording 18/09/23

    • 3.2 c Pulmonary Function Test Video-Lecture slides

    • 3.2 d Pulmonary Function Test Video-Lecture

    • 3.2 e Respiratory Part 2 Lecture Recording (09/09/23)

    • 3.2 f Respiratory Part 2 Lecture Slides 1.1 (09/09/23)

    • 3.2 f Respiratory Part 2 Lecture Slides 1.2 (09/09/23)

    • 3.2 g - Respiratory Part 2 by Dr Laura Salado

    • 3.2 h Respiratory Part 2 Lecture Slides Dr Laura Salado

    • 3.2 i Respiratory Part 3 Lecture Recording (08/09/23)

    • 3.2 J Respiratory Part 3 Full Video Lecture

    • 3.2 k Respiratory Part 3 Lecture Slides (08/09/23)

    • 3.2 L Asthma Slides (29/09/23)

  • 8

    4.1 Rheumatology - Pre Reading Materials

    • Introduction to analgesic and anti-inflammatory drug use for _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Inflammatory connective tissue diseases _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • GOUT _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Calcium pyrophosphate deposition_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Fibromyalgia_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Asymptomatic hyperuricaemia_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Viral arthritis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Spondyloarthritides, including psoriatic arthritis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Rheumatoid arthritis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Raynaud phenomenon and digital ischaemia _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Polymyalgia rheumatica and giant cell arteritis Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Osteoarthritis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Juvenile idiopathic arthritis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Assessing musculoskeletal symptoms in children and adolescents_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Asymptomatic hyperuricaemia _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Inflammatory connective tissue diseases _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Limb conditions _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Low back pain_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Miscellaneous inflammatory syndromes_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Noninflammatory musculoskeletal pain in children and adolescents_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Systemic vasculitides _ Therapeutic Guidelines

  • 9

    4.2 Rheumatology - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 4.2 a Rheumatology Lecture Slides 1

    • 4.2 a Rheumatology Lecture Slides 2

    • 4.2 b Rheumatology Full Class (Must Watch) Lecture Recording

    • 4.2 c Rheumatology Lecture Recording 12/09/23

  • 10

    5.1 Ophthalmology - Study Materials

    • Trachoma_resource_booklet

    • Subconjunctival Hemorrhage - Eye Disorders - MSD

    • Retinopathy Screening recommendations RACGP

    • Periorbital (preseptal)_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Polymyalgia rheumatia and gigant cell arteritis

    • Ocular Emergencies - RACGP

    • Normal-tension glaucoma (Low-tension glaucoma)

    • keratitis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Angle-closure glaucoma - UpToDate

    • Chalazion _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Blepharitis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Complications of Cataract surgery

    • Conjuntivitis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Episcleritis - UpToDate

  • 11

    5.2 Ophthalmology - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 5.2 a Visual Field Defects Lecture Slides

    • 5.2 b Visual Field Defects Video-Lecture

    • 5.2 c Ophthalmology Lecture Slides 11/09/23

    • 5.2 d Ophthalmology lecture 11/09/23

  • 12

    6.1 Dermatology - Pre Reading Materials

    • Causes and diagnosis of blistering skin conditions_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Boils and Carbuncles _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Birthmarks_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Basal cell carcinoma_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Body lice _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Angioedema _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Atopic dermatitis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acne_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Allergy to insect and mite bites_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Psoriasis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Vitiligo _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Squamous cell carcinoma _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acanthosis nigricans _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Solar or actinic keratoses Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Seborrhoeic keratoses_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Skin cancer assessment _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Pityriasis rosea_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Melanoma_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Cutaneous drug reactions _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Molluscum contagiosum _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Leukocytoclastic vasculitis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Herpes simplex virus infections_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Cellulitis and erysipelas_ Therapeutic Guidelines

  • 13

    6.2 Dermatology - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 6.2 a Dermatology Lecture Slides 1.1

    • 6.2 a Dermatology Lecture Slides 1.2

    • 6.2 a Dermatology Lecture Slides 1.3

    • 6.2 b Dermatology Lecture Recording 15/09/23

    • 6.2 c Dermatology Lecture Slides 15/09/23

  • 14

    7.1 Nephrology (Renal) & Urology - Study Materials

    • Epididymo-orchitis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Approach to trichomoniasis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Approach to Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Approach to managing urinary tract infection in children_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Antibiotic choice for urinary tract infection in adults _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Approach to Chlamydia trachomatis infection Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acute pyelonephritis in children _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acute pyelonephritis in adults_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acute cystitis in children _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Acute cystitis in adults _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Sepsis and septic shock from a urinary tract source in adults _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • urethritis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Glomerular disease_ Evaluation and differential diagnosis in adults - UpToDate

    • Prostatis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Imaging to investigate urinary tract infection in children_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Asymptomatic bacteriuria in adults_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Urolithiasis - AFP

    • Hypertension in dialysis patients

  • 15

    7.2 Nephrology (Renal) & Urology - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 7.2 a Renal & Urology Lecture Slides Part 1

    • 7.2 b Renal & Urology Lecture Recording Part 1

    • 7.2 b Renal & Urology Lecture Recording Part 1 (18/10/23)

    • 7.2 c Renal & Urology Lecture Slides Part 2 and Part 3

    • 7.2 d Renal & Urology Part 2 Lecture Recording

    • 7.2 e Renal & Urology Part 3 Video Lecture

  • 16

    8.1 Infectious Diseases Study Materials

    • Hydatid disease_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Malaria _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Q fever_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Cardiac implantable electronic device infections_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • endocarditis 1_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • GIT WORMS_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Febrile neutropenia _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • endocarditis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Schistosomiasis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Directed therapy for infective endocarditis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Gastrointestinal protozoa_ Therapeutic Guidelines


    • MicroBioloGy - First Aid

    • Monkey pox Infection

    • Murray Valley Encephalitis Infection

    • Trachoma CDNA

    • Typhoid and Paratyphoid CDNA

    • Zika CDNA

    • Syphilis CDNA

    • Long COVID NSW Government

    • Hepatitis-a-cdna-national-guidelines-for-public-health-units

    • Hepatitis-b-cdna-national-guidelines-for-public-health-units

    • Hepatitis-c-cdna-national-guidelines-for-public-health-units

    • Haemophilus-influenzae-type-b-invasive-infection-cdna-national-guidelines-for-public-health-units

    • Gonococcal-infection-cdna-national-guidelines-for-public-health-units

    • Ebola-virus-disease-cdna-national-guidelines-for-public-health-units

    • Dengue-cdna-national-guidelines-for-public-health-units

    • Coronavirus-covid-19-cdna-national-guidelines-for-public-health-units

    • COVID-19 antivirals your questions answered

    • Typhoid and Paratypho

  • 17

    8.2 Infectious Diseases - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 8.2 a Infectious Diseases Lecture Slides

    • 8.2 b Infectious Diseases Lecture Recording

  • 18

    9. Orthopaedic Surgery - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 9.a Orthopaedic Surgery Part 1 Lecture Slides 1

    • 9.a Orthopaedic Surgery Part 1 Lecture Slides 2

    • 9.b Orthopaedic Surgery Part 1 Lecture Recording

    • 9.b Orthopaedic Surgery Part 1 Lecture Recording (27/09/23)

    • 9.c Orthopaedic Surgery Part 2 Lecture Slides

    • 9.d Orthopaedic Surgery Part 2 (Dr Salado Vega)

    • 9.d Orthopaedic Surgery Part 2 Lecture Recording ( May )

    • 9.e Orthopaedic Surgery Part 3 Lecture Slides 1

    • 9.e Orthopaedic Surgery Part 3 Lecture Slides 2

    • 9.f Orthopaedic Surgery Part 3 Video Lecture

  • 19

    10. 1 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Study Materials

    • Abnormal uterine bleed with COCPS

    • Oral Contraceptives (Birth Control Pills) and Cancer Risk - National Cancer Institute

    • Oral Contraceptives and medical conditions

    • Diagnosis and Treatment of Atrophic Vaginitis - American Family Physician

    • Primary Amenorrhea Testing algorithm

    • Mastitis

    • Amenorrhoea

    • Uterine fibroids1

    • Bartholin cyst

    • PID - Pelvic inflammatory disease - Australian STI Management Guidelines

    • Combined-hormonal-contraceptives-(C-Gyn-28)

    • Vulvodynia

    • COCPS

    • Vaginal discharge - Australian STI Management Guidelines

    • Bacterial vaginosis

    • Abnormal Uterine Bleed

    • Heavy-Menstrual-Bleeding-Clinical-Care-Standard

    • Evaluation and Management of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Premenopausal Women

    • Contraception Choices in Women with Underlying Medical Conditions

    • fsrh-guideline-contraception-young-people

    • Dysmenorrhea

    • pcos

    • WNHS.OG.Contraception-Emergency

    • LLJ_OG

    • Abnormal uterine bleed with COCPS

    • Abnormal uterine bleeding

    • Antepartum haemorrhage or bleeding in the 2nd half of pregnancy

    • Approach to diagnosis and management of abnormal uterine bleeding

    • Abnormal uterine bleed with COCPS

    • Abnormal uterine bleeding

    • Acute Migraine

    • AEDs in preg

    • Premature ovarian insufficiency

    • Overcoming challenges faced by breastfeeding mothers


    • Anti-D Prophylaxis

    • Antiepileptic during preg

    • Bacterial Vaginosis

    • Biochemistry in preg

    • Breech Presentation

    • Treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy

    • Cardiac Disease Clinical

    • Cervical insufficiency cerclage

    • Cord_Presentation_and_prolapse

    • Cytomegalovirus

    • Drugs in Pregnancy

    • Fetal demise

    • Contraception-young-people

    • Early onset Group B streptococcal disease

    • GDM

  • 20

    10.2 Gynaecology and Obstetrics - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 10.a Gynaecology Part 1 Lecture Recording (23/10/23)

    • 10.b Gynaecology Part 1 Lecture Slides

    • 10.c Gynaecology Part 2 Lecture Recording (24/10/23)

    • 10.d Gynaecology Part 2 Lecture Slides

    • 10.e Gynaecology Part 3 Lecture Recording (30/10/23)

    • 10. f Gynaecology Part 3 Lecture Slides

    • 10.g Obstetrics Part 1 Lecture Recording 1

    • 10.g Obstetrics Part 1 Lecture Recording 2

    • 10.h Obstetrics Part 1 Lecture Slides 1

    • 10. h Obstetrics Part 1 Lecture Slides 2

    • 10.i Obstetrics Part 2 Lecture Recording (2-12-2023)

    • 10.j Obstetrics Part 2 - Part 3 Lecture Slides

    • 10.j Obstetrics Part 3 Perinatal Infections Lecture Slides

    • 10.k Obstetrics Part 3 Lecture Recording (5/12/24)

    • 10. L Management of Perinatal Infections

  • 21

    11.1 Neurology Study Materials

    • Glossary of Common Neurologic Terms

    • Acute management of seizures and status epilepticus _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Epilepsy and seizures_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • AJGP-12-2022-Clinical-Lim-Atypical-Parkinsonism-WEB

    • APDA-Meds_to_Avoid

    • Evaluation of headache in adults - UpToDate

    • Back pain RACGP

    • Bell's Palsy RACGP

    • Migraine RACGP

    • Brain tumor headache - UpToDate

    • Multiple sclerosis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Huntington_disease_genetic_testing_booklet-CGE

    • Unequal pupil RACGP

    • Stroke and transient ischaemic attack _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Overview of tremor - UpToDate

    • Case-Files-Neurology

    • TIA assesment

    • Acute stroke

    • MND

  • 22

    11.2 Neurology - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 9.a Neurology Part 1 Lecture Recording

    • 9.b Neurology Part 1 slides

    • 9.b Neurology Part 2 slides

    • 9.d Neurology Part 2 Lecture Recording

    • 9.e Neurology Part 3.1.1 Video Class

    • 9.e Neurology Part 3.1.2 Video Class

    • 9.e Neurology Part 3.2.1 Video Class

    • 9.e Neurology Part 3.2.2 Video Class

    • 9.f Neurology Part 3 Video Class Slides Part 1

  • 23

    12.1 Psychiatry Study Materials

    • _2016_Case files psychiatry

    • DSM 5 BOOK

    • Psychiatry Fourth Edition - Oxford Medical Publications [SRG]

    • Australian Therapeutic Guidelines eTG Complete Psych

  • 24

    12.2 Psychiatry - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 12a. Psychiatry Lecture Part 1 Recording (31/10/23)

    • 12b.Psychiatry Lecture Part 2 Recording (06/11/23)

    • 12c. Psychiatry Part 1 Lecture Slides

    • 12d. Psychiatry Part 2 Lecture Slides

    • 12e. Psychiatry Revision Session Lecture Recording

    • 12f. Psychiatry Revision Session Lecture Slides 1

    • 12f. Psychiatry Revision Session Lecture Slides 2

  • 25

    13. Oncology - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 14.a Oncology Video Lecture

    • 14.b Oncology Lecture Slides 1

    • 14.b Oncology Lecture Slides 2

  • 26

    14.1 Gastroenterology and General Surgery (GIT) Study Materials

    • Oxford Handbook of Clinical Surgery 4E

    • MTW surgery Flashcard

    • Tjandra Textbook of Surgery

    • Viral hepatitis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Zenker_s diverticulum - UpToDate

    • Wilson Disease

    • UK guidelines on the management of variceal

    • Toxic megacolon _ Emergency Care Institute

    • The bariatric surgery patient - RAGP

    • The Femoral Triangle - Borders - Contents - TeachMeAnatomy

    • Small-Bowel Obstruction Imaging

    • Supportive management of acute gastroenteritis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Rectal Cancer

    • Pyloric Stenosis _ KidsHealth NZ

    • Preparation for gastrointestinal procedures_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Portal Hypertension Treatment _ Management

    • Pneumatosis Intestinalis Imaging

    • Postcholecystectomy Syndrome

    • Perianal disorders_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Pediatric Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis

    • pelvic appendicitis - General Practice Notebook

    • Pediatric Gastrointestinal Bleeding

    • Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori Infection

    • Pancreatic pseudocyst ncbi

    • Pancreatic Cancer Workup

    • Overview of abdominal wall hernias in adults - UpToDate

    • Nonviral liver disorders_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Nausea and vomiting _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Methods to achieve hemostasis in patients with acute variceal hemorrhage - UpToDate

    • Management of acute pancreatitis - UpToDate

    • Medical management of gastroesophageal reflux disease in adults - UpToDate

    • Mallory-Weiss Syndrome

    • Liver enzyme alteration

    • Large-Bowel Obstruction

    • Lower gastrointestinal bleeding in children_ Causes and diagnostic approach - UpToDate

    • Inflammatory bowel disease _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)

    • Hirschsprung’s Disease in Newborns

    • Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis - UpToDate

    • Hereditary Hemocro RACGP

    • Hepatocellular Adenoma

    • Hepatic Cysts

    • hep b

    • Hepatic hemangioma - UpToDate

    • Hemorrhoids_ Clinical manifestations and diagnosis - UpToDate

    • Haemorrhoids-racgp

    • Gastro-oesophageal - RACGP

    • Genetic Bowel Cancer _ Cancer Council Victoria


    • Gastric disorders _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Gallstones (Cholelithiasis) Workup

    • Food intolerance_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Etiologies clinical manifestations and diagnosis of mechanical small bowel obstruction in adults - UpToDate

    • Evaluation of suspected small bowel bleeding (formerly obscure gastrointestinal bleeding) - UpToDate

    • Esophageal Cancer

    • Esophageal Stricture

    • ERCP in acute biliary pancreatitis

    • Eosinophilic Esophagitis MS


    • Dumping Syndrome Treatment _ Management

    • Diverticular disease _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Diagnosis and treatment of caecal volvulus

    • Clinical practice guidelines for the diagnosis and management of Barrett’s Oesophagus and Early Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma - Clinical Guidelines Wiki

    • Chronic Pancreatitis

    • Cirrhosis in adults_ Overview of complications general management and prognosis - UpToDate

    • Approach to the adult patient with an incidental solid liver lesion - UpToDate

    • Ampullary Carcinoma

    • Acute cholangitis_ Clinical manifestations diagnosis and management - UpToDate

    • Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction (Ogilvie_s Syndrome) _ Emergency Care Institute

    • Acute Cholangitis Treatment _ Management

    • Acute appendicitis in adults_ Clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis - UpToDate

    • Achalasia_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Diagnosis of upper gastrointestinal malignancy

    • Pyogenic liver abscess - UpToDate

    • Fatty liver disease racgp

    • Helicobacter pylori infection _ Therapeutic Guidelines

  • 27

    14.2 Gastroenterology and General Surgery (GIT) - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 11a. GIT Part 1 Lecture Recording (4/11/23)

    • 11b. GIT Lecture Slides 1

    • 11b. GIT Lecture Slides 2

    • 11b. GIT Lecture Slides 3

    • 11c. GIT Part 2 Lecture Recording (11/11/23)

    • 11e. GIT Part 3 Lecture Recording (18-11-2023)

    • 11d. GIT Lecture Slides 4

    • 11f. GIT Part 4 Lecture Recording (23-11-2023)

  • 28

    15. Drugs and Toxicology- Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 18a. Drugs and Toxicology Lecture Slides Part 1

    • 18a. Drugs and Toxicology Lecture Slides Part 2

    • 18a. Drugs and Toxicology Lecture Slides Part 3

    • 18b. Drugs and Toxicology Video Lecture Part 1

    • 18b. Drugs and Toxicology Video Lecture Part 2

    • 18b. Drugs and Toxicology Video Lecture Part 3

  • 29

    16.1 Paediatrics Study Materials

    • Child and adolescent growth disorders

    • 1 - TRAUMA - extra Surgery topics -RCH -RACGP




    • 6- BF and NEONATOLOGY




    • 9 - OTHERS

    • Adolescent overweight and obesity

    • milestones

    • Rheumatic Fever racgp

    • Infant benefits of breastfeeding - UpToDate

    • sore throat _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • red-flags-a3

  • 30

    16.2 Paediatrics - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 1.a Paediatrics Part 1 Lecture Recording 14/11/23

    • 1.b Paediatrics Part 2 Lecture Recording (20-11-2023)

    • 1c. Paediatrics Lecture Slides Part 1

    • 1d. Paediatrics Lecture Slides Part 2

    • 1e. Growth Charts

  • 31

    17.1 Haematology study materials



    • Clinical Practice Guidelines _ Immune thrombocytopenic purpura

    • Anticoagulant therapy_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • casos_hemato_2015_16

    • Clinical Practice Guidelines _ Iron deficiency

    • Clinical Practice Guidelines _ Von Willebrand Disease vWD

    • Clinical Practice Guidelines _ Von Willebrand Disease vWD (1)

  • 32

    17.2 Haematology - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 14b.Haematology Lecture Recording (26/11/23)

    • 14d. Haematology Lecture Slides

  • 33

    18.1 Emergency Study Materials

    • Emergency cases File

    • Textbook of Adult Emergency Medicine 5th Edition

    • the_ecg_made_easy_8th_ed__1_

  • 34

    18.2 Emergency - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 18a. Emergency Lecture Recording (9-12-23)

    • 18b. Emergency Lecture Slides

  • 35

    19.1 Endocrine Study Materials

    • Hypercalcaemia _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Adrenal insufficiency Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Adrenocortical suppression Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Cushing syndrome_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Electrolyte abnormalities _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hyperparathyroidism _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hyperphosphataemia _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hypocalcaemia _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hypophosphataemia_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hypopituitarism_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hypothyroidism_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Introduction to pituitary disorders_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Lymphocytic hypophysitis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Osteogenesis imperfecta_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Osteomalacia and rickets_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Paget disease of bone Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Phaeochromocytoma_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Pituitary adenomas_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Primary aldosteronism _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Short stature in children _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Subacute thyroiditis_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Thyroid disorders- overview_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Thyrotoxicosis and hyperthyroidism _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Thyroxine therapy for thyroid cancer_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Wounds on a high-risk foot_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Classifying diabetes_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hypoglycaemia in patients with diabetes _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Approach to antihyperglycaemic treatment for adults with type 2 diabetes_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetes _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Diabetic ketoacidosis _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Diabetic kidney disease_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Diabetic neuropathy_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Diabetic retinopathy_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Drug-induced hyperglycaemia_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Glycaemic targets for adults with type 2 diabetes _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) units Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hyperglycaemia in pregnancy (including gestational diabetes)_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemia in adults _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Lifestyle management for adults with type 2 diabetes Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Management of first presentation with hyperglycaemia _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Metabolic (bariatric) surgery for adults with type 2 diabetes _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Monitoring the glycaemic profile in adults with type 2 diabetes_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Practical aspects of managing adults with type 2 diabetes_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Principles of management of diabetes_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Screening and management of people at risk of developing type 2 diabetes _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Screening for and monitoring of chronic complications of type 2 diabetes _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Type 1 diabetes in adults _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents_ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents _ Therapeutic Guidelines

    • Hyperparathyroidism _ Therapeutic Guidelines

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    19.2 Endocrine- Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 19a. Endocrine Part 1 Slides

    • 19b. Endocrine Part 1 Lecture Recording (25-Nov-2023)

    • 19.c Endocrine Part 2 Lecture Slide

    • 19d. Endocrine Part 2 Lecture Recording (28-Nov-2023)

    • 19.e Endocrine Part 3 Lecture Recording (1-12-2023)

    • 19.f Endocrine part 3 Lecture Slides

    • 19.g Endocrine Practice 1

    • 19.h Endocrine Practice 2

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    20. Radiology - Cases, Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 20.a Radiology Slides Part 1

    • 20.b Radiology Slides Part 2

    • 21.c Radiology Lecture Recording (17/12/23)

  • 38

    21. Ethics and Public Health - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 21.a Ethics and Public Health Lecture Recording (12-12-23)

    • 21. b Ethics and Public Health Lecture Slides

  • 39

    22. Biostatistics- Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 22.a Biostatistics & Epi Lecture Recording (10-12-23)

    • 22.b Biostatistics & Epi Lecture Slides

  • 40

    23. Revision Sessions - Lecture Slides and Recordings

    • 23.1 Revision Session 1 Lecture Recording - 23/09/23

    • 23.1 Revision Session 1 Lecture Slides - 23/09/23

    • Final Revision Lecture Slides Part 1

    • Final Revision Lecture Slides Part 3

    • Final Revision Lecture Slides Part 2

    • Final Revision Lecture Slides Part 4

    • Final Revision Lecture Slides Part 5

    • Final Revision Lecture Slides Part 6

    • Final Revision Lecture Recording

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    24. New Topics Materials

    • Orf _ DermNet

    • Cerebral Venous Thrombosis • LITFL • CCC Neurology

    • AJG-BPH

    • Community-acquired acute meningitis and encephalitis

    • HIV - 1

    • HIV - 2 Important

    • Substance-use-in-pregnancy

    • Important - School Exclusion

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    25. Exam Goal-Setting

    • Exam Goal-Setting

    • Exam Goal-Setting Slides